dresscode Sutton Barcelona

Very elegant dress
Clothing is something that you have to take great care of when going out to party and even more so when it comes to nightclubs like Sutton Barcelona, one of the most luxurious in all of Barcelona. If you don't know how to go, here are some guidelines to follow to get through the goalkeeper's selection. We recommend above all not to be drunk at the entrance or that it is not noticed and to be kind to the doorman to have more points to be accepted.
Regarding the way of dressing, it should be said that you have to try to be as neat as possible, the more always the better and avoiding bulging colors or very striking patterns.
Clothing DO NOT suitable to enter
Here are some examples of what not to bring to go to Sutton Barcelona.
Examples of how to YES dress
Here are some examples of people who would pass the goalkeeper's filter. As you can see, it is not mandatory to wear a suit or tie to enter. At Sutton we are demanding but not so demanding. The most important thing is not to neglect the footwear, since it is something that goalkeepers tend to pay attention to a lot. So avoid sandals or sports shoes.

Age to access Sutton Barcelona

Depending on the day, the age to access Sutton changes considerably. Click on the following link to find out the age required to enter Sutton Barcelona-